Los 1137
KYRENAICA. Barke (?). Circa 485-475 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 21 mm, 16.19 g). [BAPKA] Silphium plant with large central flower, two buds, two fruits and four leaves. Rev. Silphium fruit between two opposed dolphins swimming upwards; all within incuse square. Asyut 848-855. BMC 17 ('Kyrene'). SNG Copenhagen 1163 ('Kyrene'). Rare. Somewhat granular and the reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, fine.

From a Swiss collection, formed before 2005.

Differentiating Barke's early silver coinage from that of its neighbour Kyrene is notoriously difficult, as the types are virtually identical and potential inscriptions often illegible. Price and Waggoner distinguished the two mints by the orientation of the upper leaves, which 'droop at Cyrene but reach upward like outstretched arms at Barce' (Asyut Hoard, p. 114). We do follow this here, but in the absence of any legible ethnic, the attribution of this coin to Barke rather than Kyrene is conjectural.
75 CHF
300 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 13-Jul-24, 21:28:00 CEST
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